Advice for treating acne
Whether you have mild, moderate or severe acne, it is important to get the right information on the best treatment for your particular skin type.
As soon as acne starts interfering with your enjoyment of life it is important to talk to your local pharmacist about your desire to improve your acne. They have a range of over the counter products that will be suitable for your particular skin type.
If after 4-6 weeks your acne has not improved as much as you would have liked, visit your local doctor who has access to more effective acne therapies. Your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist if your acne is more severe.
Everyone wants to get rid of their acne as quickly as possible which is why the "quick fix" sounds so appealing. The reality is treatment of acne takes time and patience. In mild cases that may mean a week but for the more severe forms of acne, it may require a few months to clear your acne. The upside is you'll see results on the way.
Talk to a medical professional for help before:
* spending large amounts of money on buying an advertised 'quick fix';
* buying an expensive skin care range which may not be right for you; and
* purchasing an acne light or topical treatment over the Internet after reading celebrity testimonials.
At 3:22 AM, Ashish shahu said…
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