What are other things you can do for acne?
Cosmetics: Don't be afraid to hide blemishes with flesh-tinted cover-ups or even foundation, as long at it is water-based or oil-free. There are many quality products available.
Facials: While not absolutely essential, steaming and "deep-cleaning" pores is useful, both alone and in addition to medical treatment, especially for people with "whiteheads" or "blackheads." Having these pores unclogged by a professional also reduces the temptation to do it yourself.
Pore Strips: Pharmacies now carry, under a variety of brand names, strips which you put on your nose, forehead, chin, etc. to "pull out" oil from your pores. These are, in effect, a do-it-yourself facial. They are inexpensive and safe, and work reasonably well if used properly.
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